Fabulous50s 14-Day

Glow Up Fitness Course!

you are about to look even better!

Our Fabulous50s 14-Day Glow Up Fitness Course is your ticket to a healthier, more vibrant you. Life is golden at 50, but you can always shine brighter. Now is the time to honor your strength, vitality, and radiant glow from being yourself at your best.

The Fabulous50s 14-Day Glow Up Challenge!

The World's Most Do-ABLE Exercise Course for Women over 50

I have created a transformation journey unlike any other, tailored explicitly for women over 50, just like us, who seek to not just get old but to age well and thrive with vitality! The science is clear on what we need to do; we have to listen to the experts and take health into our own hands.

The research is done. I’ve made it very easy for you to follow and implement your health plan so you don’t have to get lost in all the scientific jargon.

‘The Fabulous50s 14-Day Glow Up Fitness Course stands out as the world’s most Do-ABLE exercise program, meticulously crafted to fit the unique needs and lifestyles of women over 50.’

"Each year, 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for a fall injury."

Falls among older adults can lead to serious injuries such as fractures, head trauma, and loss of independence.

In fact, 79% of older adults who have a fall after 60 find that participating in a structured exercise program like the 14-day challenge significantly improves their balance, strength, and overall confidence, reducing the risk of future falls and promoting healthy aging.

People can reduce the risks of falling and keep their mobility and quality of life as they age by doing regular exercises that focus on flexibility, stability, and muscle strengthening.

Why is this challenge unparalleled? It’s the only program that not only engages your body but also challenges your brain, making it the ultimate choice for women who wish to age well. As I combine the latest scientific research with practical, easy-to-follow exercises, meal plans, and Glow Up Activities, I make sure that my approach to wellness goes beyond the usual.

Ready For A New Beginning?

Are you ready to embrace a fresh start?
Challenge yourself today and unlock a new world of new possibilities.

After the challenge
Before the challenge

Challenge yourself today and unlock a world of new possibilities.

Done-For-You Workout Plan

Say goodbye to gym guesswork and tedious workouts. Achieve your desired results effortlessly with our ready-made workout routines.

Recommended Meal Plans

Our course offers delectable, nutritionist-crafted meal plans tailored for women in perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

Accountability & Motivation

Stay motivated with our user-friendly planner! Watch your progress unfold over time as you print and track your journey. Success is within reach like never before!

AD-Free Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access to our dedicated learning platform, offering ad-free workout videos. Unlock unlimited learning and fitness potential without interruption.

Global Community Access

Connect with like-minded women, share experiences, and receive support on your journey. Get access to a thriving network of motivation and encouragement.

Radiate Beauty, Naturally!

Receive Daily “Glow Up” tips for glowing skin, shiny hair, and a burst of energy. Make everyday a glow day because you are worth it!

What's Included?

Embrace the Change

Hear insights and inspiration from our valued community members. Learn about their experiences and discover the power of our supportive network
Challenge yourself today and unlock a world of new possibilities

The 5 Pillars of Longevity the Course is Built on

Are you ready to embrace a fresh start?
Challenge yourself today and unlock a new world of new possibilities.


As conventional wisdom has told us for centuries, getting enough sleep helps us feel better mentally and physically. General guidelines recommend adults get at least seven hours of sleep each night. It helps decrease stress, regulate the body’s internal systems, and improve mood (as we know, grogginess and crankiness go hand in hand).  


Getting sunlight first thing in the morning signals to the body that it’s time to wake up; it also helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which will, in turn, signal it’s time to sleep later that night. And more, getting sunlight is the best way to absorb vitamin D, or the sunshine vitamin—long championed for improving bone and immune strength. Research suggests vitamin D may also improve brain function and memory. 


Another pillar we are far too familiar with is the importance of exercise. Huberman advises incorporating resistance, mobility, and cardio into your routine, albeit not all on the same day. National guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise (think a fast walk or cycle) or 70 minutes of intense exercise (think running or cardio) each week, along with at least two days of strength training. 


Another pillar we are far too familiar with is the importance of exercise. Huberman advises incorporating resistance, mobility, and cardio into your routine, albeit not all on the same day. National guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity exercise (think a fast walk or cycle) or 70 minutes of intense exercise (think running or cardio) each week, along with at least two days of strength training.

Social connection

We are in a loneliness epidemic. Feeling socially isolated has health consequences comparable to smoking up to 15 cigarettes daily. Moreover, loneliness can increase the risk of developing dementia, depression, and anxiety, among other health conditions. This year, the U.S Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued a national advisory warning on the health effects of loneliness.

“More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling—usually by falling sideways.”

This is why we are constantly doing balance exercises so your brain has instant muscle memory to self-correct when a potential fall does happen. The more we practice our balance exercises, the less we become one of these statistics.

The 14-day glow up fitness course is designed to help you improve your fitness levels and reduce the risk of falling. With a combination of strength training, balance exercises, and flexibility workouts, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, more confident you. Don’t let the fear of falling hold you back; get started today!

Fabulous50s community

Our Community Says...

Our testimonials are a testament to the life-changing impact of our courses.
Meet The Fabulous Health & Fitness Leader 

Schellea Fowler

“I want women to wake up and feel proud of the person they are, to not focus on the problems but on the things that they are GREAT at. To discover things that make them shine. To access their vitality”.

Schellea is a qualified fitness instructor and is currently immersed in the Clean Health Master Personal Trainer Program.

Her additional qualifications include: Fashion Styling from the Australian Style Institute, Advanced Personal Color Analysis from AOPI, and Meditation Teach Training from Yoga Coach.

Above all, Schellea’s mission is simple yet profound; to support women in embracing the aging process with confidence and grace.

frequently asked questions

You can start the course whenever you like. You’ll have a lifetime access to this program. It’s always available at your fingertips, ready to be explored whenever you desire.

To view the course, simply go to: https://fabulous50s.com/login/

If you forgot your password, simply click on the ‘forgot password’ prompt, and the system will automatically email you a new password reset link.

If you need any help or have any queries/technical issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the support team for further assistance. Please contact: support@fabulous50s.com

You will receive a welcome email with your login details. Keep an eye out in your inbox and spam.

If you did not receive an email about your username or password, that means you already have login details to our membership site. For members with existing login details, use your email address as username and type your password.

If you need any help or have any queries/technical issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the support team for further assistance. Please contact: support@fabulous50s.com

Absolutely! In fact, this has been specifically designed with the needs of women over 50 in mind.

Please consult with your doctor or physician prior to starting any new exercise program and always listen to your body.

Yes it is. The way that this challenge has been created so we are working every muscle in the body and making sure it’s the right muscles, on the right days to avoid injury and overuse. You are correct that there are some new videos and some previously used videos. Every single one has been packaged together to complement the others on that day perfectly to build strength, gain muscle and lose weight.

We are so glad you are here with us for our very first premium challenge. The combination of micro workouts makes things easier for us and keeps it doable.

Meal planning is essential for anyone who wants to eat better, save time, and budget better. Meal planning lets you control your nutrition, make healthier choices, and live a more balanced life.

Let’s talk about some compelling reasons why meal planning is particularly beneficial for women over 50 who are striving to live a healthy and balanced life. >>> 8 Reasons To Start Meal Planning Today

You will expect to feel fabulous! Guaranteed! And at the end of the 14 days you will also expect to feel so proud of yourself and amazed at what you have achieved. You will have increased your level of fitness and find that you can go for a lot longer without getting out of breath. You will find that the strength in your body is more noticeable and available for you to use, and if you combine the workout with a healthy eating plan, you will absolutely lose weight. You will refer to yourself as a woman who exercises every single day!

You may complete the entire challenge without any equipment. However, I do recommend that you have a pair of dumbbell weights in a couple of different sizes ranging from 2 pounds – 8/10 pounds (1 – 5 kg) to gain the most benefit from this challenge. If you don’t have weights, you can use bottles of water or cans of food to give you just that little bit of resistance.

Yes, you can! You can join the exclusive Global Private Community. This is the perfect place to talk about your journey, ask questions and share your experience with all of the other fabulous ladies.

And for technical issues, please contact: support@fabulous50s.com

Don’t stress about missing a day! If you’re too busy and just can’t get it done, I suggest you do a minimum of the stretch so that you keep your body moving, agile and in the flow of exercising every day. Another tip, if you’re short on time, try breaking the playlist of workouts over a period of the 24 hours. So you might like to do 10 minutes in the morning 30 minutes at lunchtime, and then another 10 minutes before you go to bed. It’s entirely up to you. We’re training our body to improve and part of that includes the discipline to do it every single day. So do the best you can and commit to at least having a go even if you don’t feel like it.

Studies have shown the best time to work out is in the morning, before breakfast on an empty stomach. Now this may be the optimal time to work out, but in saying that, anytime you have to exercise is the optimal time for you!

So in summary, whenever you have time to do this challenge is the perfect time, and it will give you the best results.

You’ll have access to our exclusive community, where you can connect with others on the same journey. You can ask questions, share your experiences, and gain inspiration and encouragement. Remember, we’re in this together!

We are so confident that you’ll love this new challenge that we’re offering a no-questions-asked, 7-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied with your results, simply contact support@fabulous50s.com for a full refund.

© 2024 Fabulous50s | All rights reserved


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