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Schellea Fowler

In over 140 countries, Schellea (Shelly) Fowler stands as the leading voice for women over 50 in lifestyle, fitness, and well-being. A qualified fitness instructor, she is presently immersed in her master trainer program, specializing in exercise for older adults.

Her mission is to help women feel good about themselves, emphasizing their unique and valuable qualities. With over 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube, Schellea, as the CEO & Founder of Fabulous 50s, has redefined what it means to live your fullest, most vital life. Her diverse background includes small businesses, fitness training, and conceptual creative design.

Apart from being a fitness and nutrition researcher and trainer, she wears many hats—a stylist, meditation teacher, a perpetual student of life, and a proud mother living life on her own terms.

Schellea’s vision is clear: “I want women to wake up and feel proud of the person they are, to not focus on the problems, but the things that they are GREAT at. To discover things that make them shine. To access their inner vitality.”

Her additional qualifications include: Fashion Styling from the Australian Style Institute, Advanced Personal Colour Analysis from AOPI,  and Meditation Teacher Training from Yoga Coach.

Health & wellness

Schellea’s passion for sharing her knowledge for over 25 years as a health and fitness researcher led to the creation of Fabulous 50s. This YouTube channel has gained a loyal following of over 1.5 million subscribers, with its community growing daily. Schelleas lived experience is what sets her programs apart, she knows what it feels like to be a woman over 50 taking her health into her own hands. Fabulous 50s is dedicated to providing a wide range of health and wellness resources to support women over 50, including Micro Workouts, Walking Workouts, 14 Day Challenges, online programs, Mindfulness courses, strength-building, fat-burning, toning, Menopause Meal plans, and blog articles featuring insights from top experts. Through this diverse collection of offerings, Fabulous 50s strives to empower women to prioritize their physical and mental well-being and lead fulfilling lives as they age.

Health & wellness

Schellea’s passion for sharing her knowledge for over 25 years as a health and fitness researcher led to the creation of Fabulous 50s. This YouTube channel has gained a loyal following of over 1.5 million subscribers, with its community growing daily. Schelleas lived experience is what sets her programs apart, she knows what it feels like to be a woman over 50 taking her health into her own hands. Fabulous 50s is dedicated to providing a wide range of health and wellness resources to support women over 50, including Micro Workouts, Walking Workouts, 14 Day Challenges, online programs, Mindfulness courses, strength-building, fat-burning, toning, Menopause Meal plans, and blog articles featuring insights from top experts. Through this diverse collection of offerings, Fabulous 50s strives to empower women to prioritize their physical and mental well-being and lead fulfilling lives as they age.

Fashion & beauty

Fabulous 50s is a top authority on beauty and fashion for women over 50, Schellea as a certified stylist, offers expert advice and tips to help you look and feel your best. From skincare routines to makeup tutorials, Fabulous 50s provides comprehensive guidance to help you achieve a radiant, ageless appearance. They also offer fashion inspiration and styling tips to help you dress with confidence and sophistication. With their emphasis on beauty and fashion, Fabulous 50s is the go-to destination for women over 50 looking to enhance their personal style and embrace their natural beauty.

Motivation & gratitude

Fabulous 50s was created as a platform where women could turn to for inspiration, motivation, and gratitude as they navigate life in their 50s and beyond. The ethos of Fabulous 50s is centered around the belief that age 50 and beyond is a time when women can truly become their authentic selves, honor who they are, and express all the beauty and vitality they embody. Through their content and resources, Fabulous 50s seeks to empower women to embrace their age with confidence and positivity, celebrating all the wisdom, experience, and potential that comes with it. As an accredited meditation and mindfulness teacher, Schellea encourages women to live fully and vibrantly, embracing the opportunities and challenges of life with grace, gratitude, and joy.

Fashion & beauty

Fabulous 50s is a top authority on beauty and fashion for women over 50, Schellea as a certified stylist, offers expert advice and tips to help you look and feel your best. From skincare routines to makeup tutorials, Fabulous 50s provides comprehensive guidance to help you achieve a radiant, ageless appearance. They also offer fashion inspiration and styling tips to help you dress with confidence and sophistication. With their emphasis on beauty and fashion, Fabulous 50s is the go-to destination for women over 50 looking to enhance their personal style and embrace their natural beauty.

Motivation & gratitude

Fabulous 50s was created as a platform where women could turn to for inspiration, motivation, and gratitude as they navigate life in their 50s and beyond. The ethos of Fabulous 50s is centered around the belief that age 50 and beyond is a time when women can truly become their authentic selves, honor who they are, and express all the beauty and vitality they embody. Through their content and resources, Fabulous 50s seeks to empower women to embrace their age with confidence and positivity, celebrating all the wisdom, experience, and potential that comes with it. As an accredited meditation and mindfulness teacher, Schellea encourages women to live fully and vibrantly, embracing the opportunities and challenges of life with grace, gratitude, and joy.

Through Fabulous 50s, Schellea shares the tips and tricks she’s learned (and is still learning!) so that women in their 50s (and more) arу empowered to embrace all the great things that reaching their 50’s has to offer.

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