Midlife Crisis Women Over 50!
Are you having a midlife crisis? A woman over 50? Are you feeling old, tired and washed up? Learn why you will never grow old once you understand this…
We talk about menopause, transition, letting go, mid life crisis and creating an exciting future…Allow me to shine a light on the similarities between our 18 year old selves and our 50 year old selves…And talk about the transition we are all going through now we are in our 50s…
We’re all feeling the effects of menopause and watch on as we see ourselves change…Dr Christiane Northrup (expert on menopause) says that we feel like we experience the death of our old selves around the age 52 and I think this is a wonderful time in our lives to create a new beginning and start living the life we were born to live!
Welcome to fabulous50s! Here you will find content that relates to how to look younger, mature skincare, anti aging, wrinkles, how to dress over 50, style, fitness, health and beauty over 50. All the videos here have you, a mature Woman in mind and if you have any questions or video suggestions for mature Women, please feel free to leave your comment below.
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I’m so excited to share the Fabulous50s 30-day Mindfulness Challenge!!
Over the next month, you will be engaging in one activity every day designed to bring you back to a state of positivity and mindfulness.
To begin our 30-day challenge, we’re going to tap in to our subtle body so that we can be present in the now. This technique helps to take us away from the past and the wild, meandering thoughts that may distract us and into the present.
To sign up for the challenge now, click here!