10 Minute AB Workout For Women Over 50

Strengthening our abdominal muscles and developing a solid core is so important for healthy ageing, though there are a few caveats to keep in mind.

If, like me, you trained your core in hopes of losing belly fat around your middle, you we’re probably disheartened to see little to no result.

That’s because we can’t spot reduce our fat, meaning exercising and training in one focused area won’t burn fat in that area alone.

Another pitfall I fell into when first training my core was completing a high number of reps in each movement, which only burned me out.

10 Minute Ab Workout

Training our abs is really no different from training other body parts. We don’t train arms exclusively every day of the week, with a target of hitting 100 reps each movement, so why should we expect that of our abs training?

I’m so excited to share with you this abs workout for women over 50 that will work your core to its fullest. It’s doable, energising and most importantly, fun!

Before we get started, this workout will be mostly performed on the ground. To protect our backs, lay down a yoga mat or a towel if you have one.

Warm Up

Lay on your back and bring your knees to centre, hugging them in.

Gently roll backwards and forwards clockwise for 20 seconds, then counter clockwise for another 20 seconds.

Once completed, return to centre and hug knees into your chest. Hold for 15 seconds.

Single Leg Drops

Raise both knees so legs are at a 45 degree angle. Point your toes and lengthen your left leg, lowering it as you do.

Raise your leg back to the starting position just before it touches the ground. Repeat this movement on your right. Continue alternating legs for 40 seconds.

Focus on holding your belly button in tight as you complete this movement to help further build core strength.

Leg Scissors 

Laying on your back, bring both legs up with toes pointing to the sky.

Cross your left leg in front of your right leg and then cross your right leg in front of your left leg like a pair of scissors.

Hold your core tight as you complete this movement to take strain off your lower back.

Lying Leg Hold 

Bring both legs up, bending at the knee at a 45-degree angle.

Hold this position with your arms at your side, slightly raised above the ground for 40 seconds.

This exercise, while seemingly simple will burn, so focus on pushing though as best you can.

If you need to drop your legs, that’s OK, just try to get them back up again.


Lying on your back, bring your legs up with your toes pointed out.

Keep your knees soft and your legs slightly apart. Bending at the knee, lower your feet and touch the ground with your toes, then bring them back to the starting position.

Try to focus all of your attention on keeping your abdominal muscles tight to support this movement.

Single Leg Toe Touch – Low 

Bring both legs up to a 45-degree angle, with toes pointing towards the ground.

Lower your left leg so your left toes land in front of your right buttock.

Raise back to starting position and repeat the motion with your right leg, bringing it down to land in front of your left buttock.

Continue the movement for 40 seconds.

Single Tow Touch – High 

Lying on your back, bring both legs up straight with toes pointing to the sky.

As with the previous movement, bending at the knee, lower your left leg so your left toes land in front of your right buttock.

Bring back to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.

Leg Raises

Bring bath hands palms down to rest underneath your buttocks. This will help support your lower back during this movement. Begin with both legs together on the ground.

Gently raise both legs together to peak at a 90-degree angle, holding your core tight as you do so.

Lower legs back to just above the ground, keeping them slightly aloft. This is one repetition.

Continue this movement for 40 seconds.

Supine Twist Stretch

With your back on the floor, bend your knees and have your feet flat on the floor.

Without raising your back off the floor, gently lower your hips to the left, keeping both knees together as you do.

Hold in this position for 20 seconds and switch to the right side for a further 20 seconds.

Lying Single Leg Extension 

Bring both knees into your chest, holding them in place with your hands.

Whilst holding your right knee, extend your left leg out in front of you, pointing your toe forward as you do so.

to the starting position and repeat with the right leg for one repetition. Repeat this movement for 40 seconds.


Congratulations for completing this workout! You are amazing.

Just remember that while working our core is important, it shouldn’t be the only thing we do.

Complete this set of exercises 2-3 times a week as part of a regular workout regimen for optimal results.

You may also like:

10 Minute AB WORKOUT For Women Over 50 // Beginner No Equipment!  

10 Minute STANDING ABS Indoor Workout For Women Over 50 | Burn Belly Fat!

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11 Responses

  1. Morning, I completed this work out. I think its good as the preliminary and next go to the full body 15 or 30.
    Its great. I completed my 7 day challenge yesterday. Goal – exercise every day, no excuses.

    I have a 3 pound weight in my bedroom to remind me. Did you excercise today? If not, 10 minute workout at the very least.????

  2. Tone up, firm up and burn fat from your tummy, hips, thighs and bottom with this 10-minute workout for legs, bums and tums. Tone your tummy muscles and get a flat stomach with this 10-minute abs workout. These abdominal exercises strengthen the muscles around your trunk.

  3. Tone up, firm up and burn fat from your tummy, hips, thighs and bottom with this 10-minute workout for legs, bums and tums. Tone your tummy muscles and get a flat stomach with this 10-minute abs workout. These abdominal exercises strengthen the muscles around your trunk.

  4. Hi, I love your blogs. I’m having difficulty in finding the ‘printable’ Ordinary skin care sheet. Are you able to help me. I’m just about to order more products to complete my Ordinary products thanks to your easy tutorial.

    Many thanks, Ginny

  5. I absolutely love Shellea and her videos! I do the abs and arms workout! No space or complicated equipment needed – and the music is amaizing!

  6. J’adore travailler avec Schella je suis entrain de terminer le change summer 14 jour et il est incroyable on touche à tout les muscle du corpsc’est mon préférer et vais continuer à le faire pour un bout merci pour ce fabuleux groupe Schella ❤️

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About Author

Schellea Fowler

Schellea Fowler

Schellea Fowler, the visionary founder of Fabulous50s, brings over three decades of small business leadership and expertise to her legacy. Not only has she excelled personally, but she has also become a mentor, generously sharing her wealth of experience with emerging entrepreneurs.

After retiring at 50 in 2016, Schellea’s commitment to continuous growth led her to pursue additional qualifications. A qualified fitness instructor, she is presently continuing her master trainer program, specializing in exercise for older adults. Through Fabulous50s, Schellea remains devoted to her vision of empowering and inspiring women to embrace and celebrate their current stage of life.

Her additional qualifications include: Fashion Styling from the Australian Style Institute, Advanced Personal Colour Analysis from AOPI,  and Meditation Teacher Training from Yoga Coach.

Above all, Schellea’s mission is simple yet profound: to support women in embracing the aging process with confidence and grace.

Learn how to burn fat and build muscle fast with guided instruction.

Disclaimer: The content presented here is entirely unsponsored, and all opinions expressed are solely mine. In instances where I express admiration for a product, if there is an affiliate link, I may include it. However, it is crucial to note that I will never prioritize seeking products that offer commissions over providing genuine reviews.

Please be informed that certain links within the content may be affiliate links. Should you choose to click on these links and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. This does not entail any additional cost to you, and your decision to use these links remains entirely at your discretion.

Moreover, it is imperative to recognize that any information disseminated through the videos or any type of content is intended solely for general entertainment and educational purposes. Prior to embarking on any exercise regimen or program mentioned, I strongly advise consulting with your physician/doctor. Engaging in any exercise is undertaken at your own risk.

Thank you so much.


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