

How To Lose Belly Fat Over 50

How To Lose Belly Fat Over 50

Picture of Schellea


Belly fat is like a four-letter word in an era where everyone is baring their midriff and wearing form-fitting outfits.

Whether in the beginning stages of menopause, already through menopause, or somewhere between, middle-aged females tend to have that dreaded “Muffin top.”

A plump waistline and lost muscle tone are common in women over 50, but this also raises the risk of certain medical conditions.

Of all body parts, the abdomen is one of the most difficult places to get rid of fat. Unfortunately, despite what you see in the media, there’s no magic pill, diet, or gadget to lose weight.

Beware of scams and false claims with empty promises. But don’t despair. Once you understand why you have excess belly fat, you’ll know exactly how to lose that belly fat quickly and effectively.

What is Menopause in Women Over 50

Many women over 50 experience unwanted belly fat for several reasons. Aside from general aging, genetics, poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise, medical conditions, etc., menopause is one of the top causes of belly fat.

There are three basic stages of menopause: perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. No matter which stage one falls within, they’ll likely have some extra fat in the mid-region.

In this article, we will discuss how to lose belly fat over 50.


Perimenopause is a transitional phase in a woman’s life when they’re about to enter menopause.

At this stage, hormones (e.g., estrogen) in the ovaries are reduced, which causes the menstrual cycle to be irregular.

Some women experience increased appetite, hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Perimenopause usually happens to women in their mid-30s to mid-50s and can last four to eight years.


Menopause begins when the female body stops producing certain hormones.

The lack of hormones means eggs are no longer released from the ovaries, so periods stop completely.

Following 12 months without a period, menopausal women advance to the next stage.


Postmenopause is the timeframe after having gone through at least a year of period-free menopause.

Due to diminished hormones, this is the stage when women over 50 have an increased risk for osteoporosis, heart disease and other medical conditions.

Postmenopause lasts for the remainder of life.

Why Menopause Causes Belly Fat in Women Over 50

One critical aspect of gaining belly fat involves stress and insomnia.

When going through menopause, most people talk about the decrease in estrogen or increase in androgen.

At the same time, levels of cortisol increase as well. Added stress further exasperates the release of cortisol. As a result, fat settles around the abdomen.

The only way to reduce cortisol and belly fat is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Most Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat

There are several ways to lose belly fat. These science-back methods don’t include magic pills and potions. Ignore outlandish claims because they just don’t work.

Suffice it to say, shedding unwanted pounds takes a lot of time and effort. Nobody will see results overnight, but inches can be reduced over time.

Healthy diet

Lose Belly Fat Over 50

It can’t be stressed enough that eating right is key to losing body fat. Weight from menopause is often linked to eating processed foods and other high fat, sugar, and salt products.

It would also be best to minimize the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Focus on nutritious meals high in fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium.

Top tip: Choose to eat 10% better than you did yesterday. You don’t need to transition from eating junk food all day to eating nothing but kale and cucumber.

Now that would be stressful! Instead, plan to change one meal at a time and celebrate when you follow through. That you can do right?

Regular Exercise

Weight gain, muscle tone, bone density, and flexibility are some of the benefits of exercise.

Women over 50 can choose what they most enjoy going, from running and swimming to walking and cycling to aerobics and yoga.

Many exercises are designed to target the abdominal muscles, such as crunches and leg raises, but we can’t spot reduce the belly fat.

What we can do, is strengthen the muscles in our core to support our torso and spine, and use resistance training and cardio to burn fat, build strength and increase our fitness.

If you are new to exercise and have never really loved it, I may be able to change your mind! Take the Fabulous50s 14-day challenge, and like thousands of women from around the world, you will LOVE it and LOVE yourself as you become a woman who exercises every single day.

Just give it a try, you’re worth the trouble.

Stress reduction

Sometimes stress can affect one’s ability to eat right and exercise. Even anxiety over belly fat can make matters worse.

To reduce stress, consider meditation, spending time outside, taking time to rest and other calming activities. Also, it’s vital to get plenty of sleep, which is about six to eight hours each night.

Top tip: Turn the TV off! The negative programming we see on our screens can turn us into an anxious mess.

Replace the time you spend consuming bad news with exercise, learning, gardening, redecorating, playing with a pet… 

Medical procedure

Liposuction, CoolSculpting and tummy tucks are alternative ways of getting rid of belly fat. Cosmetic procedures that involve invasive plastic surgery are more costly and risky.

These extreme options are typically reserved as a last-ditch effort.

Let’s Get Started…

Lose Belly Fat Over 50

If you’ve been struggling with weight gain due to menopause and other age-related factors, don’t despair. You’re not the only one with a few extra rolls of belly fat. It’s also perfectly normal for women over 50 to feel depressed and have lowered self-esteem.

But too much anxiety and stress can make your stomach fatter. By following these tips and developing healthy lifestyle habits, you’ll be well on your way to losing belly fat and feeling good about yourself.

I hope you found some insights into how to lose belly fat over 50.

Not sure where to start and need a bit of inspiration and motivation? Are you up for the challenge?

This site is full of videos to help women over 50 look and feel their best. I offer free easy-to-follow seated ab workouts and standing ab workouts that take only 10 minutes or less to do.

There are also tips on how to hide your tummy as you strive to lose weight.

Lastly, join my 30 Day Challenge for anxiety and stress relief, and learn 30 practical tips you can use every single day to feel good and stay on top of your game, because once you know how to settle yourself and reset your nervous system, you are free. 

What is your best go-to tool to relieve stress?

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Rewire Your Brain In 30 Days! #shorts

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About me

Schellea Fowler, the visionary founder of Fabulous50s, brings over three decades of leadership and expertise in small business to her legacy. Not only has she achieved personal success, but she has also become a mentor, generously sharing her extensive experience with emerging entrepreneurs.

After retiring at 50 in 2016, Schellea’s passion for continuous growth led her to pursue further qualifications, becoming a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer specializing in exercise and brain health for older adults. Through Fabulous50s, Schellea continues her mission of inspiring women to embrace and celebrate every phase of life with confidence and vitality.

Her diverse qualifications reflect her commitment to holistic well-being, including a Neuro Athletics Coaching Certificate (NACC) from Neuro Athletics, Meditation Teacher Training from Yoga Coach, Fashion Styling certification from the Australian Style Institute, and Advanced Personal Colour Analysis from AOPI.

wellness expertise Schellea Fowler

In addition to her wellness expertise, Schellea is also a certified business and life coach, equipping her to empower women not only in health and fitness but also in their personal and professional growth.

Over 50 & Fabulous? Subscribe for empowering content on health, beauty, and more!

Learn how to burn fat and build muscle fast with guided instruction.

If you find fabulous50s content useful and would like to support my work, you could always BuyMeATea (completely optional, only if you want to!). Your support will help me create more quality videos and content created just for you…Fabulous women over 50! With love and appreciation, thank you.

Take the 14 day weightloss challenge

Feeling stuck in a weight loss rut? You're not alone!

Metabolism can slow down after 50, but that doesn't mean you can't achieve your goals.

Here's the good news: Studies show women over 50 can lose 1-2 pounds per week safely and effectively with the right approach.

This Challenge is your chance to breakthrough that weight loss plateau, boost your metabolism and energy level and feel confident and beautiful in your own skin.

Don't wait! Spots are limited. Sign up today and see amazing results in just 14 days!

18 Responses

  1. I’ve just starting doing your workouts! I am 54 and have gone through menopause. I need to loose some weight and I just want to be happy and a healthier me!
    I would love some of your dinner recipes if that’s possible.
    Thank you!
    Lisa Hargrove

  2. Thank you for Being you. Thank you for all the positive statements and giving us vital information for us over 50 to get heart healthy. Having had a partial hysterectomy I have gained that muffin top. I remember a lady telling me it would happen but I thought nope not me. Reason I just joined a gym and then the pandemic came along and whoop there it came belly fat. Sitting around afraid to go outside etc. let alone a gym. Now here I am. Unhappy and unhealthy. I’m thankful to have found your site. To be honest I can’t remember how, but I’m Thankful I did. ????????

    1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful comment Ericka! And take a moment to thank yourself for all the hard work you are putting in (in more ways than one)???? Keep up the fabulous work! ????????

  3. Hi, could you help me to purchase some if your lovely gym wear, especially the vests, kimono & bra.
    Many thanks, joy

  4. Hi Schellea. Happy that you can share what you know about what we can do to loose belly fat. I do your workouts almost every day. I am happy with that because I am loosing some weigth. About diet I am trying not easy but step by step I wiil get there. My goal is to feel better because I am in treatment with antiderrapants. May God bless and protect you and all the ladies around the world. All the best.

  5. Hi. I am 66 and just diagnosed with diabeties. I am walking 2 – 4 miles a day and weight training 30 – 60 minutes a day. My problem is what to eat, when to eat and being consistent with exercise. I do enjoy your videos and all the advice. I pray that I will continue consistently.

  6. I love all of your inspiration to help women over 50! ???? If you ever write a health & fitness book, make meditation MP3s, or make workout DVDs, I would buy them all! ????????????????

  7. Just completed day 1 thank you so much for making me feel change is possible. I have been struggling so much since the loss of my parents and my husbands cancer diagnosis all within the last year. This made me feel like there is something positive I can do to take control back and start tackling life again x

    1. Sorry to hear of your difficulties Lynnl. I wish I could take them away. But, Your attitude towards it makes me smile. YOU are amazing. Stay fabulous ❤????

  8. Hi Shellea, just want to thank you for being such an inspiration! I am a 53 year old South African, menopausal, and about 15kg overweight. I started to do your excerises on YouTube a month ago and enjoy every minute thereof! I cannot see any progress though and was wondering how long it will take before I can see a difference. I will however keep pressing on and check my diet as well. I saw myself in the mirror today when trying on clothes and was so disheartened. My goal is to at least see a difference in about 3 months time. Am I being too optimistic? Any advise or tips on the turkey like, loose skin underneath my chin and neck area. I also started taking collagen powder a month ago. I guess nothing happen overnight right. I really admire you and will keep following you and do your challenges. For the first time in my life I stick to excercise daily and that is all thanks to you! Again … thank you so very much for the inspiration!

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How To Lose Belly Fat Over 50

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How To Lose Belly Fat Over 50