

Ways To Deal With Menopause Weight Gain

Ways To Deal With Menopause Weight Gain

Picture of Schellea


Menopause is that wonderful time of life when you gain weight, have hot flashes, and experience mood swings. Surely this is the icing on the hormonal cake. 

As we all know, the end of our menstrual cycle, or menopause, can cause a number of changes in our body. In fact, menopause weight gain is one of the most unwelcome physical changes for many women. 

However, the fact that some women gain weight during menopause is not a mystery that can’t be solved. It’s perfectly natural, as your hormones shift and your metabolism slows down during this time. 

Menopause begins when our monthly period (menstruation) stops and we stop ovulating. Weight gain at this stage is typical, especially for women like us who are in their 40s and 50s. 

Our lifestyle decisions, such as our diet and exercise regimen, can also cause menopausal weight gain.

The study, which was published in the journal Menopause, suggests that the best way to prevent menopause weight gain may be to change exercise and calorie intake years before the menopause.

Perimenopause, Menopause And Post-menopause

The term “menopause” is quite different from “perimenopause” and “post-menopause.”

Perimenopause is the period of transition before menopause. During this period, the hormone estrogen starts to decrease. 

This is when symptoms like irregular periods, hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and weight gain may start to appear. It usually begins in the mid-40s and lasts, on average, four years. 

Post-menopause is the time after menopause; that is, you have gone past 12 months without seeing your period. 

At this stage, you are past your reproductive years, and you are no longer ovulating. Also, the menopausal symptoms will probably reduce.

READ ALSO: Everything You Should Know About Perimenopause

What You Should Know About Menopause and Weight Gain

Women between 45-70 often have significant concerns about the weight gain they experience. 

This is understandable given that obesity is one of the most prevalent nutritional disorders worldwide, with high prevalence and consistently rising rates. 

At the perimenopause stage, weight gain is a common occurrence as you approach menopause. 

This can be pretty disturbing and sometimes makes you wonder what you are doing that is making you gain so much weight as you approach that age.

Changes in hormone levels, particularly those of estrogen, may have an impact on how body fat is distributed. 

As their estrogen levels fall, many women in perimenopause and the early post-menopausal years put on weight. 

What Causes Weight Gain During Menopause? 

menopause weight gain

There are many reasons women tend to gain weight during menopause. 

Most women are aware of the most frequent cause, which is the sharp decline in estrogen levels. 

However, the reality is that it is not limited to women with low blood levels of estrogen.  

There are several other factors that contribute to menopause weight gain, and let’s go over each of them. 

Reduced estrogen level

A reduced level of estrogen in the blood can lead to weight gain. Estrogen causes an increase in the bulkiness of the muscles and less fat. Thus, with low estrogen comes less muscle mass and more body fat. 

This is associated with the fact that your ovaries no longer produce enough estrogen. Your body will therefore try to make up for the decreased estrogen level by producing the hormone in other ways. 

Fat cells are a good source of estrogen, and your body starts to convert all the energy sources available to fat cells in an attempt to make up for the reduced estrogen in the blood. 

This leads to weight gain, especially in the abdominal region known as visceral fat, which can lead to an increase in cardiovascular disease.

In a similar vein, studies on animals revealed that estrogen was shown to aid in weight management and that a lack of estrogen may result in a slow metabolic rate, which governs how quickly your body burns calories.

Unhealthy lifestyle

An unhealthy lifestyle can also be a contributing factor to menopause weight gain. If you frequently eat throughout the day without exercising in any way, you run a high risk of gaining weight. 

The reason for this is that you are not making an effort to burn off the calories you are consuming. You also need to be aware that your body has changed from how it once was. 

It’s possible that you were doing all of those things at first without gaining weight, but a lot has changed since then. Your body’s metabolism has slowed down, so you won’t burn fat as quickly. 

READ ALSO: Avoid These Weight Loss Mistakes Women Over 50 Often Make


Genetics should not be completely ignored when determining what may have contributed to the weight gain you experience as you near menopause. 

It’s possible that the weight gain you’re experiencing has an underlying cause if obesity runs in your family.

It’s likely that you will develop abdominal obesity if your parents or other close relatives do. 

Other factors like inactivity, poor eating habits, and insufficient sleep may also contribute to menopause weight gain.


As you get older, you may have a propensity to sleep less or not at all, which can lead to weight gain. 

Additionally, if you don’t exercise enough, you tend to be more sedentary, which can result in weight gain. 

As you get older, your muscle mass decreases and is replaced with fat, which makes it easier to put on weight. 

When this happens, you need to exercise or work out harder in order to burn the same number of calories as before. 

Excess alcohol intake

The body sees alcohol as a toxic substance. As a result, when consumed, it deactivates the metabolism of other nutrients, like fat. 

The liver is where both fat and alcohol are metabolized. 

Weight gain results from the body storing fat and other nutrients rather than metabolizing them because it wants to get rid of the toxins from alcohol as quickly as possible.


Another factor that contributes to weight gain is diet. It’s been said that we are what we eat. Thus, when you are not mindful of the food you eat, it can be a big problem. 

You might put on weight, for instance, if you consume a lot of carbohydrates but few fruits and vegetables. This is due to the high calorie content of carbohydrates. A cup of white rice, for instance, has approximately 206 calories. 

Imagine consuming 3 cups, or about 618 calories, followed by a snack of a loaf of bread or a bar of chocolate, both of which are high in calories. This could result in you gaining a lot of weight. 

READ ALSO: How To Lose Weight for Women Over 50

Ways for Women Over 50 Can Lose Weight During Menopause

menopause weight gain

Factors like hormones and genetics cannot be easily controlled; they are factors we do not have control over. 

However, when it comes to lifestyle choices like diet and exercise, these are things we have control over, and we can easily modify them to our satisfaction. 

These modifiable factors can be broken down into the following;

Cut down on your calorie intake

As you enter the menopausal stage, you tend to burn fewer calories than you used to. 

Let’s say your daily calorie intake is around 1500 and your goal is to maintain your weight. You would need to cut about 200 calories from your diet. 

Due to the fact that, as you age, your body burns fat much more slowly, there may be weight gain. You need to consume fewer calories overall in order to lose weight.

To achieve this, you need to eat smarter, and you can do the following things;

  • Reduce your daily food portion
  • Reduce the amount of processed and refined foods you consume
  • Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet
  • Eat food with fewer calories and more fiber.
  • Know the number of calories you consume per day 

Exercise more often

Postmenopausal women should incorporate balance, strength, and aerobic exercise into their exercise routine.

Exercise is a great way to stay in shape and lose weight. At menopause, aerobic exercise is the best way to reduce body fat, and you should aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week.

Aerobic exercise includes cycling, swimming, running, and walking with your dog, which you can do daily. 

Apart from helping with weight loss, it can also help regulate the heart rate and control diseases like osteoporosis and diabetes.

If you think these exercises are too strenuous for you, ask your doctor for some less strenuous recommendations.

Along with aerobic exercise, you can also do strength training exercises like lifting weights, using bands, or using weight machines. 

These will help to increase muscle tone, which will increase bone mass and cause a decrease in body fat.

Squats, high-knee walking, and single-leg stances are just a few of the exercises recommended for maintaining balance. 

Check out some of the HIIT and low-impact workouts and challenges created especially for menopausal women on Fabulous50s. These exercises are safe for the back and knees. 

Keep in mind that regular exercise can enhance your quality of life and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Limit alcohol intake

The symptoms of menopause, such as night sweats or restlessness, which can keep you awake at night and cause weight gain, have been shown to worsen when excessive alcohol is consumed. 

Therefore, if you typically drink 3 to 4 bottles per day, it is advised to reduce that to 1 to 2 bottles.

Get more sleep

Sleep is a crucial time of rest for our bodies. The recommended time of 7 hours or more should be adhered to strictly. 

Inadequate sleep has been linked to the dysfunction of your hunger hormones, like ghrelin. 

Although your body doesn’t currently require the food, this hormone makes you feel hungry quickly and makes you want to eat anyway. It also causes you to store extra food as fat. 

Additionally, you have a tendency to want to snack on foods while you are awake because, for some people, it is a way to kill boredom, which will make you gain weight.

Join a group with similar interests

It can be difficult to stay motivated on your own at times. Finding a group of people who share your interests and can relate to what you’re going through is helpful. 

This supports your weight loss efforts by allowing you to maintain accountability and motivation.

There are several support communities and networks for menopausal women out there. Our Fabulous50s community offers a wide range of resources, challenges, and products that can help support menopausal women. 

Consult your doctor about hormone replacement therapy

When a woman’s hormone levels are low, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves giving her synthetic estrogen. 

As you near menopause, it replaces hormones that are produced at a lower level. 

Additionally, it reduces menopausal symptoms in women, including depression, night sweats, mood swings, and hot flashes, all of which cause weight gain. 

Although many of these symptoms go away after a few years, they can be uncomfortable, and taking HRT can help many women. 

HRT can also help prevent osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and is more common after menopause.

Closing thoughts…

Women over 50 may experience a variety of emotions during menopause. In fact, different hormonal changes that occur during menopause will have an impact on their body, moods, health, and energy level. 

However, depending on your stage of life and general health and wellbeing, you may need to manage or treat menopausal symptoms, including weight gain.  

While there isn’t a magic solution to stop or reverse menopausal weight gain. Always keep in mind that getting enough exercise and rest, eating a nutritious diet can help prevent weight gain during menopause. 

Make a commitment to a healthier you by making lifestyle changes. You’ve got this!

♡ Love ♡,


Sources + 

WebMD.com | Healthline.com | Mayoclinic.org

Latest Video

Lose Belly Fat FAST Over 50 — 15 Min Fat-Burning Walk (Bonus Brain Boost!)
This is not just another walking workout — it’s a full-body fat-burning session combined with powerful brain training designed specifically for women over 50. In just 15 minutes, you’ll boost your heart rate, slim your waistline, and sharpen your mind — all at once! exercise for menopause belly fat
We’ll go through 15 energizing exercises:
45 seconds of movement, followed by 15 seconds of walking recovery. Each move is low-impact, joint-friendly, and requires no equipment — perfect if you're over 50 and want results without the jumping.

But here’s what makes this workout different...

What’s the Brain Boost?
During the workout, we’ll incorporate a simple cognitive drill inspired by the Stroop Test — a scientifically proven way to improve brain function.

The Stroop Test challenges your brain to process conflicting information — like seeing the word “blue” written in red text and having to say the ink color instead of the word. This creates a healthy level of cognitive stress that strengthens your prefrontal cortex, improves reaction time, and supports memory, focus, and brain flexibility — especially important as we age.

Why Combine This With Exercise?
Movement increases blood flow to the brain. When you pair aerobic activity with brain challenges, it amplifies the brain’s ability to grow and adapt. This is called dual-task training, and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent cognitive decline and promote healthy aging.

So you’re not just burning belly fat — you’re building a stronger, sharper brain.

What You’ll Get in This Workout:

15 minutes of fat-burning, no-jumping cardio
Brain activation with Stroop-inspired drills
Exercises tailored for women over 50
Easy-to-follow moves with beginner-friendly pacing
A total-body approach to physical and cognitive health

Let me know in the comments: How did your brain feel after today’s workout?

0:00 - Intro & Workout Plan for 15-Min Fat-Burning Walk
0:30 - Warm-Up: Toe Taps with Arm Circles
1:17 - Brain Training Stroop Test Explanation
1:32 - Walking with Overhead Arm Raises & Alternating Steps
2:30 - Walking with Arm Raises & Alternating Forward/Back Steps
3:30 - Walking with Overhead Raises & Side Steps with Arm Extensions
4:30 - Standing Chest Opener to Lateral Extension Sequence
5:30 - Side Steps with Diagonal Arm Crosses for Fat Burning
6:30 - Alternating Knee Raises with Synchronized Arm Pulls
7:30 - Alternating Back Steps with Rhythmic Arm Swings
8:30 - Squat with Overhead Reach to Standing March Transition
9:26 - Accelerated Walking with Rhythmic Arm Coordination
12:50 - Squat with Overhead Reach Sequence
13:50 - Walking in Place with Lateral Extensions & Bicep Curls
14:30 - Workout Finale & Additional Workout Recommendations for Women Over 50


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MAIL: Po Box 12239 Clunes, NSW 2480 Australia 2480
Note that this video provides entertainment and education, not medical advice. Consult your physician before changing your exercise/health routine. Making any changes to your exercise/health regime is done so at your own risk. 
#fabulous50s #fatburn #walkingworkout

Lose Belly Fat FAST Over 50 — 15 Min Fat-Burning Walk (Bonus Brain Boost!)
This is not just another walking workout — it’s a full-body fat-burning session combined with powerful brain training designed specifically for women over 50. In just 15 minutes, you’ll boost your heart rate, slim your waistline, and sharpen your mind — all at once! exercise for menopause belly fat
We’ll go through 15 energizing exercises:
45 seconds of movement, followed by 15 seconds of walking recovery. Each move is low-impact, joint-friendly, and requires no equipment — perfect if you're over 50 and want results without the jumping.

But here’s what makes this workout different...

What’s the Brain Boost?
During the workout, we’ll incorporate a simple cognitive drill inspired by the Stroop Test — a scientifically proven way to improve brain function.

The Stroop Test challenges your brain to process conflicting information — like seeing the word “blue” written in red text and having to say the ink color instead of the word. This creates a healthy level of cognitive stress that strengthens your prefrontal cortex, improves reaction time, and supports memory, focus, and brain flexibility — especially important as we age.

Why Combine This With Exercise?
Movement increases blood flow to the brain. When you pair aerobic activity with brain challenges, it amplifies the brain’s ability to grow and adapt. This is called dual-task training, and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent cognitive decline and promote healthy aging.

So you’re not just burning belly fat — you’re building a stronger, sharper brain.

What You’ll Get in This Workout:

15 minutes of fat-burning, no-jumping cardio
Brain activation with Stroop-inspired drills
Exercises tailored for women over 50
Easy-to-follow moves with beginner-friendly pacing
A total-body approach to physical and cognitive health

Let me know in the comments: How did your brain feel after today’s workout?

0:00 - Intro & Workout Plan for 15-Min Fat-Burning Walk
0:30 - Warm-Up: Toe Taps with Arm Circles
1:17 - Brain Training Stroop Test Explanation
1:32 - Walking with Overhead Arm Raises & Alternating Steps
2:30 - Walking with Arm Raises & Alternating Forward/Back Steps
3:30 - Walking with Overhead Raises & Side Steps with Arm Extensions
4:30 - Standing Chest Opener to Lateral Extension Sequence
5:30 - Side Steps with Diagonal Arm Crosses for Fat Burning
6:30 - Alternating Knee Raises with Synchronized Arm Pulls
7:30 - Alternating Back Steps with Rhythmic Arm Swings
8:30 - Squat with Overhead Reach to Standing March Transition
9:26 - Accelerated Walking with Rhythmic Arm Coordination
12:50 - Squat with Overhead Reach Sequence
13:50 - Walking in Place with Lateral Extensions & Bicep Curls
14:30 - Workout Finale & Additional Workout Recommendations for Women Over 50


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Partnerships: [email protected]
Customer Support: [email protected]
MAIL: Po Box 12239 Clunes, NSW 2480 Australia 2480
Note that this video provides entertainment and education, not medical advice. Consult your physician before changing your exercise/health routine. Making any changes to your exercise/health regime is done so at your own risk.
#fabulous50s #fatburn #walkingworkout

YouTube Video VVVpV1BVODNWbU9YalE2eFkwZ0lyaElRLmZ5em1rcDI5Q29j
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🔥Lose Belly Fat FAST Over 50 — 15 Min Fat-Burning Walk (Bonus Brain Training!)

fabulous50s March 25th

About me

Schellea Fowler, the visionary founder of Fabulous50s, brings over three decades of leadership and expertise in small business to her legacy. Not only has she achieved personal success, but she has also become a mentor, generously sharing her extensive experience with emerging entrepreneurs.

After retiring at 50 in 2016, Schellea’s passion for continuous growth led her to pursue further qualifications, becoming a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer specializing in exercise and brain health for older adults. Through Fabulous50s, Schellea continues her mission of inspiring women to embrace and celebrate every phase of life with confidence and vitality.

Her diverse qualifications reflect her commitment to holistic well-being, including a Neuro Athletics Coaching Certificate (NACC) from Neuro Athletics, Meditation Teacher Training from Yoga Coach, Fashion Styling certification from the Australian Style Institute, and Advanced Personal Colour Analysis from AOPI.

wellness expertise Schellea Fowler

In addition to her wellness expertise, Schellea is also a certified business and life coach, equipping her to empower women not only in health and fitness but also in their personal and professional growth.

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Take the 14 day weightloss challenge

Feeling stuck in a weight loss rut? You're not alone!

Metabolism can slow down after 50, but that doesn't mean you can't achieve your goals.

Here's the good news: Studies show women over 50 can lose 1-2 pounds per week safely and effectively with the right approach.

This Challenge is your chance to breakthrough that weight loss plateau, boost your metabolism and energy level and feel confident and beautiful in your own skin.

Don't wait! Spots are limited. Sign up today and see amazing results in just 14 days!

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Ways To Deal With Menopause Weight Gain

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Ways To Deal With Menopause Weight Gain