

Top 14 Activities for Women Over 50 in March

Top 14 Activities for Women Over 50 in March

Picture of Schellea


Activities for women over 50 in March

March is here, and it’s not just about blooming flowers and warmer weather—it’s also Women’s Health Awareness Month! 

As we celebrate our health and good health, now is a great time to do some fun things that will keep us feeling young and healthy in mind, body, and spirit.

You may be wondering why you should do anything at this point in your life. Well, it is more important than ever to put our health first. Being active does not just mean staying physically fit; it also means enjoying every moment, taking care of our bodies, and feeding our spirits.

Now that the new month has begun, it is the perfect time to try new things and make the most of it. So, let us look at some activities that women over 50 can enjoy that will make them feel better and be more confident this month. 

Let us make March a memorable month! We should enjoy ourselves, our health, and the amazing journey we are on.

Fun Activities For Women Over 50: Things to Do in March

As a woman over 50, staying active is vital for a healthy life. Activities for women over 50 help prevent diseases and boost energy. Enjoying hobbies and interests brings happiness and fulfillment.

Let’s explore more activities suited for women over 50 to enrich their lives.

1. Take a walk or go hiking

March is the perfect time to embrace the refreshing spring air and get moving. Going on a walk allows you to connect with nature while improving cardiovascular health. 

Walking is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on the joints, making it one of the ideal activities for women over 50. 

If you know of any walking groups, you can join them. Walking groups provide an opportunity to socialize and make new friends who share your commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Now, if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, hiking might be just the ticket. March brings in some seriously gorgeous weather, making it prime time to hit those trails. 

Hiking is about immersing yourself in the great outdoors, finding your inner peace, and maybe even stumbling upon a hidden gem or two along the way.

So strap on those hiking boots or walking shoes and get ready to soak in all that natural beauty.

READ ALSO: This 30-Minute Walking Workout Is an Effective Fat Burner

2. Attend a yoga class

Yoga is a great way to improve your body and mind. It helps with flexibility, strength, and balance, while also reducing stress. 

Imagine those gentle stretches, calming breaths, and a whole lot of zen vibes. That’s what yoga’s all about. It’s like a spa day for your soul, helping you stretch out those creaky joints, build up strength, and find your inner balance.

Many yoga studios offer classes tailored for women over 50, focusing on gentle movements and modifications. Look for one around you. 

Whether you’re new to yoga or have been doing it for a while, these classes can help you improve and feel more relaxed.

3. Join a book club

Activities for women over 50 in March

If you enjoy getting lost in a good book, this could be just the thing for you. Book clubs are like little gatherings of book lovers, where you can chat about what you’re reading, share your thoughts, and discover new authors and genres.

It’s not just about reading, though. It’s also about having stimulating conversations, exploring different ideas, and making new friends who share your passion for literature. Plus, meeting regularly with your book club pals gives you something to look forward to each month.

Since March is National Women’s History Month, now is a great time to read books by and about women that will make you feel good. 

4. Try journaling

March is a time for renewal and growth, and writing in a journal can help you think about your own path. 

You can write down your thoughts, dreams, and goals, or you can use journaling prompts to find out what you really want. 

Journaling is a form of therapy that helps people learn about themselves and express themselves.

5. Join a cooking class

Now, whether you’re a kitchen newbie or a seasoned pro, cooking classes are an incredible way to unleash your creativity and dive into the world of flavors. Picture yourself whipping up delicious dishes and learning new techniques alongside other fabulous women like yourself.

The best part? Many cooking schools offer classes specifically designed for us, focusing on healthy and nutritious recipes that cater to our age group. So not only will you be expanding your culinary skills, but you’ll also be taking care of your health in the process.

And let’s not forget the joy of sharing your newfound cooking prowess with your loved ones. Imagine the smiles on their faces as they savor each bite of your culinary creations!

So why not sprinkle a little excitement into your life this March and sign up for a cooking class? It’s a deliciously fun way to learn, grow, and connect with others who share your passion for good food.

6. Explore your artistic side at arts workshops

Feeling like letting out your inner artist? Then art workshops are the place for you.

Imagine being in a room full of paints, brushes, clay, or pencils and letting your imagination run wild. Whether it’s painting a vibrant canvas, molding clay into beautiful sculptures, or sketching your surroundings, art workshops are the perfect place to express yourself and grow personally.

Arts workshops are all about nurturing your soul. It has been shown that doing artistic activities can lower stress, improve brain function, and make you feel better overall. A little extra happiness is something everyone wants.

The best part? Many art studios have workshops just for women over 50. These workshops are designed to help you find your talents in a safe and encouraging environment. So, whether you are an experienced artist or just starting out, you can join a workshop and let your creativity flow.

It is March, so why not grab a paintbrush, some clay, or some sharpened pencils and go to an art workshop? If you want to find yourself and have fun, you will not want to miss this journey!

7. Attend a dance class

Activities for women over 50 in March

Dancing isn’t just about moving your body, it’s a whole lot of fun, too! Whether you’re into salsa, ballroom, or something else entirely, there’s a dance style out there for you. And the best part? It’s a great way to stay active and healthy.

Dancing makes your heart beat faster, makes you more coordinated, and even makes you feel better. It is also a great way to boost your confidence and you can use movement to express yourself.

Dance classes are a great way to relax and have a great time, whether you like dancing by yourself or with a partner.

If you want to try something new this March, why not take dance classes? You will meet new people, have a great time, and stay in great physical and mental shape. 

8. Do some volunteer work

You know, lending a hand and helping others can bring so much joy and meaning to your life. You can get involved in your own community in a lot of great ways.

Whether it’s sharing your wisdom by mentoring someone, helping kids with their studies as a tutor, or pitching in at a local charity, there’s a volunteer opportunity out there that’s perfect for you.

Helping others through volunteering not only makes you feel good, but it also makes you feel fulfilled. It’s like a double dose of goodness!

Since March is already here, why not think about giving back? There are many ways to make a difference, whether you only have a few hours to spare or want to do something more regularly. 

You’ll see that the feeling you get from helping others is truly priceless.

9. Start gardening 

March is like the kickoff for all things green and blooming. Joining a gardening group gives you the chance to get your hands in the soil, nurture gorgeous flowers, and even grow your own tasty fruits and veggies.

Gardening is all about connecting with nature in a way that’s seriously soothing. It’s like therapy for your soul, helping you relax, de-stress, and boost your mental well-being.

Gardening is also a sneaky way to get moving, if you look at it another way. All that digging, planting, and weeding might not feel like a workout, but it’s a great way to keep your body active and healthy.

So why not start gardening in March to enjoy the start of spring? You will not only grow things that are beautiful and tasty, but you will also heal your body and soul.

10. Take an online class

There is a lot to learn in online classes and workshops if you are interested and want to try new things. Online learning platforms are very popular these days, and they offer a huge range of courses on almost every subject you can think of.

From brushing up on ancient civilizations in history classes to mastering a new language or perfecting your culinary skills, the possibilities are endless. You could delve into the art of photography, explore the secrets of sustainable living, or even learn how to play a musical instrument.

The best part is that you can make your learning fit your schedule and interests. You can find a way to learn that works for you, whether you like short workshops or long courses.

11. Explore mindfulness and meditation

This month, take a few moments each day to quiet your mind, center your thoughts, and tap into a deep sense of inner peace. That’s what meditation is all about. And trust me, it’s like a superpower for reducing stress and boosting focus.

There are plenty of ways to explore mindfulness and meditation, whether it’s joining a meditation group, immersing yourself in a mindfulness retreat, or simply finding a cozy spot at home to practice.

If you want to start feeling great every day, check out my Mindfulness Challenge. It teaches you easy ways to be calm, settled, and focused.

You should make March the month you prioritize your mental well-being. Mindfulness and meditation will not only help you feel more grounded and in control, but they will also help you develop an inner peace that shines out.

12. Take a short solo trip or join a travel group

If you’re up for an adventure and love exploring, taking a solo trip or  joining a travel group could be perfect for you. There are many travel companies and agencies that plan trips just for women over 50.

It is fun to travel and learn about other cultures while making memories that will last a lifetime. Going on a trip with other people makes you feel safer and gives you company. You will also meet other women who love learning new things as much as you do. 

Feel free to give it a shot. This is a great way to satisfy your wanderlust and have fun with people who share your interests.

13. Attend local festivals or social events

In March, there’s no shortage of social events and gatherings to enjoy. You could head out to local festivals or concerts, where you can soak up the lively atmosphere and maybe even discover some new favorite artists or foods.

You could also bring the fun right to your doorstep by organizing a potluck with friends and neighbors. It’s a great way to share delicious homemade dishes, catch up with loved ones, and strengthen those community bonds.

Take part in the spirit of community and enjoy the people around you, whether you are dancing at a festival or trading recipes at a potluck. There is, after all, nothing better than getting together with neighbors and friends for a good time.

READ ALSO: 10 Amazing Hobbies for Women Over 50

14. Join a hobby club

Joining a hobby club or group is an excellent way to meet people who share your interests. 

Whether you love gardening, painting, or hiking, there are clubs out there dedicated to all kinds of hobbies. When you engage in activities with others who have similar interests, it helps you feel like you belong and opens the door to new friendships.

 So, why not find a club related to something you’re passionate about? You’ll have fun doing what you love and you’ll make some great new friends along the way!

Resources For Finding Activities For Women Over 50 in March

There are so many resources out there that it is easier than ever for women over 50 to find things to do in March. 

Online platforms such as Meetup, Eventbrite, and local community websites provide a wealth of information on upcoming events, workshops, and clubs. 

Join relevant groups or subscribe to newsletters to stay updated on the latest activities in your area.

Local libraries and community centers often host a variety of activities catered to different age groups. Check their schedules and participate in workshops, lectures, or fitness classes. These venues are excellent sources of information and often offer activities specifically designed for women over 50.

Finally, do not forget to use your own network. Talk to your family, friends, and other people you know about your interests. They might know of groups or activities that fit with what you are interested in. 

Meeting new people and making new connections is possible through networking.

Closing Thoughts

March is a month filled with endless possibilities for women over 50. From outdoor adventures to creative pursuits to social engagements, these activities for women over 50 offer something for everyone to enjoy.

Fun activities are good for your body, but they are also good for your soul and help you grow as a person.

Take a chance this month and leave your comfort zone. Try new things, look into different hobbies, and meet people who share your interests.

Remember that age is just a number and that it is never too late to find new interests or bring old ones back to life.

Enjoy March to the fullest. You deserve it!

Latest Video

5-minute arm workout challenge! Grab your dumbbells and let's get started.This beginner-friendly home workout features 5 exercises designed to boost metabolism, strengthen muscle mass, and burn fat. Whether you're using 2 kg dumbbells or just your body weight, you'll feel the burn and enhance your vitality. Remember, you don't have to be a pro to get fit—these dumbbell exercises are  suitable for beginners and adaptable to all fitness levels. Always consult your physician before starting any new routine. Join our challenges, subscribe to the Fabulous 50s newsletter, and explore more courses to continue your fitness journey with confidence and joy! Your health, both physical and mental, will thank you. Let's rise up and never stop improving together!

#upperbodyworkout #shoulderworkout #armworkoutwithdumbbells #dumbbellworkout #strengthtrainingforwomen


00:00 Introduction
00:32 Arm swings - the best exercise to warm up the entire upper body
01:29 Shoulder Press - the best exercise to improve overall strength and posture
02:31 Arm Flutters - Helps to improve core strength, posture and arm strength
03:29 Shoulder Raises - The best exercise for increasing shoulder mobility
04:31 Arm Circles - The best exercise for toning your arms
05:30 Daily mobility stretch

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Note that this video provides entertainment and education, not medical advice. Consult your physician before changing your exercise/health routine. Making any changes to your exercise/health regime is done so at your own risk. 
#fabulous50s #5minuteworkout  #armworkout

5-minute arm workout challenge! Grab your dumbbells and let's get started.This beginner-friendly home workout features 5 exercises designed to boost metabolism, strengthen muscle mass, and burn fat. Whether you're using 2 kg dumbbells or just your body weight, you'll feel the burn and enhance your vitality. Remember, you don't have to be a pro to get fit—these dumbbell exercises are suitable for beginners and adaptable to all fitness levels. Always consult your physician before starting any new routine. Join our challenges, subscribe to the Fabulous 50s newsletter, and explore more courses to continue your fitness journey with confidence and joy! Your health, both physical and mental, will thank you. Let's rise up and never stop improving together!

#upperbodyworkout #shoulderworkout #armworkoutwithdumbbells #dumbbellworkout #strengthtrainingforwomen


00:00 Introduction
00:32 Arm swings - the best exercise to warm up the entire upper body
01:29 Shoulder Press - the best exercise to improve overall strength and posture
02:31 Arm Flutters - Helps to improve core strength, posture and arm strength
03:29 Shoulder Raises - The best exercise for increasing shoulder mobility
04:31 Arm Circles - The best exercise for toning your arms
05:30 Daily mobility stretch

I'll send you the latest updates in fitness, health, lifestyle for Women Over 50!
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14-Day Weight Loss Challenge : https://fabulous50s.com/new-you-weight-loss-14-day-challenge-sign-up/
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Partnerships: pr@fabulous50s.com
Customer Support: support@fabulous50s.com
MAIL: Po Box 12239 Clunes, NSW 2480 Australia 2480
Note that this video provides entertainment and education, not medical advice. Consult your physician before changing your exercise/health routine. Making any changes to your exercise/health regime is done so at your own risk.
#fabulous50s #5minuteworkout #armworkout

YouTube Video VVVpV1BVODNWbU9YalE2eFkwZ0lyaElRLm92NmtfellJSU1F
fabulous50s 1.9M

5 Minute Arm Workout | 100% Results!

fabulous50s October 15th

About me

Schellea Fowler, the visionary founder of Fabulous50s, brings over three decades of leadership and expertise in small business to her legacy. Not only has she achieved personal success, but she has also become a mentor, generously sharing her extensive experience with emerging entrepreneurs.

After retiring at 50 in 2016, Schellea’s passion for continuous growth led her to pursue further qualifications, becoming a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer specializing in exercise and brain health for older adults. Through Fabulous50s, Schellea continues her mission of inspiring women to embrace and celebrate every phase of life with confidence and vitality.

Her diverse qualifications reflect her commitment to holistic well-being, including a Neuro Athletics Coaching Certificate (NACC) from Neuro Athletics, Meditation Teacher Training from Yoga Coach, Fashion Styling certification from the Australian Style Institute, and Advanced Personal Colour Analysis from AOPI.

In addition to her wellness expertise, Schellea is also a certified business and life coach, equipping her to empower women not only in health and fitness but also in their personal and professional growth.

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Take the 14 day weightloss challenge

Feeling stuck in a weight loss rut? You're not alone!

Metabolism can slow down after 50, but that doesn't mean you can't achieve your goals.

Here's the good news: Studies show women over 50 can lose 1-2 pounds per week safely and effectively with the right approach.

This Challenge is your chance to breakthrough that weight loss plateau, boost your metabolism and energy level and feel confident and beautiful in your own skin.

Don't wait! Spots are limited. Sign up today and see amazing results in just 14 days!

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