

Ladies, Here Are Things That Can Make You Age Faster

Ladies, Here Are Things That Can Make You Age Faster

Picture of Schellea


Premature aging

As we go through life, we all have to deal with the fact that we will eventually get older.

However, some things can speed up this process, causing both physical and mental signs of aging to show up earlier than they should. 

The term “premature” aging comes from the fact that these changes may come as a surprise if they happen earlier than expected.

While there are some things about getting older that we can not change, knowing what causes it gives us the power to make choices that will help us stay healthy and young for as long as possible.

Taking care of your health with a holistic approach can help you stay healthy and look young on the inside and out.

So, let’s take a look at things that can make you age faster and some practical ways to fight their effects on aging.

Poor Diet

Food choices are very important when it comes to how fast you age.

A diet low in essential nutrients and high in processed, unhealthy foods can do a lot of damage to your body and speed up the aging process from the inside out in many ways, including:

Inflammation and oxidative stress

When you eat foods that are high in refined sugars, saturated fats, and processed ingredients, they can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in your cells.

This damage builds up over time, making you age faster and more likely to get diseases that come with getting older. [1]

Nutrient deficiencies

If you do not eat enough antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, your body will not get the building blocks it needs to repair and grow new cells. [2]

This lack can speed up aging and make your immune system weaker. 

Gut health imbalance

A diet high in processed foods and low in fiber can throw off the balance of the microbiome in your gut. [3]

This can make it harder for your body to absorb nutrients properly, which can lead to a number of age-related problems.

If you want to fight the effects of a poor diet, eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Eat a lot of antioxidant-rich foods, like nuts, berries, and leafy greens, to fight oxidative stress and help cells renew themselves.

READ ALSO: 8 Surprising Ways to Optimize Your Gut Microbiome

Lack of Sleep

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of health and well-being, and its importance in maintaining a youthful appearance cannot be overstated.

Chronic sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can accelerate the aging process in numerous ways, [7] including;

Increased inflammation

Inflammation can happen in your body when you do not get enough sleep.

Chronic inflammation makes you age faster and raises your risk of getting diseases that come with getting older.

Many health problems, like heart disease and arthritis, are linked to inflammation. Inflammation also makes the visible signs of aging worse.

Inflammation affects the way your body stores and breaks down fat. Inflammatory cytokines, which are proteins released during inflammation, can alter fat metabolism, leading to increased fat storage and difficulty breaking down fat for energy. This process can contribute to weight gain and obesity. [4]

Hormonal Imbalances

Inadequate sleep disrupts the production and regulation of important hormones.

These hormones are crucial for cellular repair, metabolism, and overall vitality.

When they are out of balance, it can lead to premature aging. For example, the hormone cortisol, which is related to stress, can become elevated with poor sleep, leading to further health complications and aging. [5, 6, 7]

Not getting enough sleep doesn’t just make you feel irritable. It can also increase your risk of mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

This happens because sleep deprivation disrupts neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers in your brain that help regulate your mood.

Impaired cellular regeneration

During deep sleep, your body undergoes essential processes of cellular repair and regeneration.

Insufficient sleep hinders these restorative mechanisms, leading to accelerated aging.

This can result in a dull, fatigued appearance, as well as weakened muscles and bones, and impaired cognitive functions.

We lose 3 to 8 percent of our muscle mass every ten years as we age [8]. Around middle age, our risk of bone loss and osteoporosis also goes up.

In addition, the growth hormone is released during deep sleep. It helps keep your cells healthy so they can divide and grow again.[9]

Not getting enough sleep stops this process, which makes your bones and muscles weaker.

Skin issues

Inadequate sleep affects your skin’s elasticity, leading to more visible signs of aging, like wrinkles.

It also impairs blood circulation, which can cause dark circles, puffiness, and a dull complexion.

Setting up a regular sleep schedule is important if you want to fight the effects of not getting enough sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of good sleep every night.

Reduce your exposure to blue light from electronics before going to bed. Keep your bedroom cool and dark, and do relaxation exercises like deep breathing or meditation.

Chronic Stress

Things That Can Make You Age Faster

We all deal with chronic stress every day, which is very bad for our physical and mental health in today’s busy world. There are many ways that long-term stress can speed up the aging process, including;

Oxidative damage

Free radicals and inflammatory compounds are released when you are under a lot of stress for a long time. This causes oxidative damage and faster cellular aging.

Telomere shortening

The protective caps at the ends of chromosomes are called telomeres. They are very important in the aging process of cells. [10, 11]

Chronic stress has been linked to telomeres shortening more quickly. This speeds up aging and raises the risk of diseases that come with getting older.

Hormonal imbalances

Prolonged stress can disrupt the balance of hormones like cortisol, leading to various age-related issues, including weight gain, muscle loss, and cognitive decline.

Using stress-management techniques every day can help lessen the effects of long-term stress.

Practices like meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness can help calm the mind and reduce the physiological impact of stress. 

Additionally, prioritize self-care activities, such as engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, or seeking support from loved ones.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for reducing stress and improving mental clarity, which are crucial for women over 50. Our 30-Day Mindfulness Challenge guides you through daily practices that enhance mental well-being, increase emotional resilience, and promote a positive outlook on life.

Adding mindfulness to your daily life can help you deal with stress better, sleep better, and be healthier overall. This challenge helps you form habits that will keep you healthy in the long run and slow down the aging process.

Excessive Sun Exposure

Things That Can Make You Age Faster

While moderate sun exposure is essential for vitamin D production and overall well-being, excessive and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can accelerate the aging process, particularly for the skin.

UV radiation from the sun can damage the skin’s structural proteins, such as collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles, age spots, and a loss of elasticity.

Excessive sun exposure increases the risk of developing various types of skin cancer, including melanoma, the most dangerous form.

UV radiation can generate free radicals and trigger oxidative stress within the skin cells, contributing to accelerated aging and cellular damage.

Adopt sun-safe habits to protect yourself from the harmful effects of too much sun exposure. 

Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, seek shade during peak sun hours, wear protective clothing (e.g., hats, long sleeves), and avoid tanning beds altogether. 

For extra protection against oxidative stress, eat foods and use skin care products that are high in antioxidants.


Things That Can Make You Age Faster

Smoking is known to cause a lot of health problems, and the fact that it speeds up aging can not be stressed enough.

Cigarette smoke contains chemicals that are bad for you and can hurt your body in many ways.

Cigarette smoke contains numerous free radicals and toxins that can lead to oxidative stress and cellular damage, contributing to premature aging.

Smoking accelerates the breakdown of collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles, sagging skin, and a dull, lifeless complexion.

Smoking can cause a rapid decline in lung function, leading to respiratory issues and an increased risk of age-related diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

If you currently smoke, quitting is one of the most powerful steps you can take to combat the accelerated aging process. 

Seek support from healthcare professionals, join cessation programs, or explore nicotine replacement therapies to aid in your journey to becoming smoke-free. 

Your body has an amazing ability to heal and regenerate once you eliminate the harmful effects of smoking.

Sedentary Lifestyle

These days, with all the technology around us, it is very easy to become sedentary, which can speed up the aging process. 

Lack of physical activity can lead to a gradual loss of muscle mass, a condition known as sarcopenia, which is a hallmark of aging and can contribute to frailty and reduced mobility.

A sedentary lifestyle can disrupt metabolic processes, increasing the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other age-related metabolic disorders.

Regular physical activity has been shown to improve brain health and cognitive function. On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle can make you more likely to develop neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline with age.

Regular physical activity should be a part of your daily life to fight the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Try to work out for at least 150 minutes at a moderate level of intensity or 75 minutes at a vigorous level of intensity each week, spread out over several days. 

Take walking breaks, use a standing desk, or engage in active hobbies to add more movement to your daily life.

Our 14-day New You Weight Loss Challenge is the perfect way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle. This program helps you lose weight, get fit, and tone muscles, all of which are crucial for maintaining a youthful appearance and vitality.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are key to reducing the risk of age-related diseases, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting metabolism. This challenge provides a structured plan that’s easy to follow, helping you achieve noticeable results in just two weeks.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

avoid drinking excessive alcohol

While moderate alcohol consumption may offer some potential health benefits, excessive drinking can accelerate the aging process in numerous ways.

Free radicals and oxidative stress are produced when alcohol is broken down. This can damage cells and speed up the aging process.

Although alcohol is a diuretic, it can make you thirsty and make it harder for your body to get rid of toxins, which speeds up the aging process.

Drinking too much alcohol can hurt your liver. Then, it can make it less able to process hormones and toxins properly, which speeds up the aging process.

It is important to drink alcohol in moderation or not at all, to lessen the negative effects of drinking too much.

If you do decide to drink, women should not have more than one alcoholic drink a day, and men should not have more than two. 

Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water and fighting the oxidative stress that alcohol causes. You should also eat foods that are high in antioxidants.

Poor Hydration

Water is the essence of life, and proper hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining a youthful appearance and overall well-being. Chronic dehydration can accelerate the aging process in various ways.

Water is needed for cells to do their jobs properly, like delivering nutrients, getting rid of waste, and keeping the right temperature. Dehydration can mess up these processes, which can speed up the aging process.

Dehydration can make skin look dull, dry, and wrinkled because water keeps skin flexible and full.

It can also hurt your brain, making you tired, unable to focus, and raising your risk of cognitive decline with age.

Thus, it is important to drink enough water every day, depending on your needs and level of activity, to avoid getting dehydrated. 

It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water every day, but this number can change based on age, climate, and level of activity. 

Eating foods that are high in water, like fruits and vegetables, can also help you stay hydrated.

READ ALSO: Top Tips for Water Intake to Stay Hydrated In Your 50s

Environmental Toxins

When it comes to speeding up aging, pollution is one of the biggest effects of the environment we live in. Toxins from the environment are in our food, water, air, cosmetics, and cleaners for the home. 

It is even more important, as we get older, to be careful about the things we use every day. A lot of these, even some anti-aging creams, might be making us age faster. 

Toxins hurt your body in more than one way. They may change the structure of your DNA, which can stop your cells from working properly. They also cause long-term inflammation, which speeds up cell aging and raises the risk of diseases that come with getting older.

There are many harmful chemicals in personal care products, like formaldehyde, mercury, dibutyl and diethylhexyl phthalates, and isobutyl and isopropyl parabens. 

There is evidence that formaldehyde can cause cancer. Mercury can hurt the kidneys and nervous system. Phthalates can mess up hormones and hurt the reproductive system. 

Parabens can also hurt hormones and reproductive health. Stay healthy by knowing about these harmful substances and picking out natural, less harmful options.

Use air purifiers inside and stay away from times of high pollution to lower your exposure to toxins. Filter your water to get rid of harmful toxins. 

Choose personal care and cleaning products that are natural and organic. 

Avoid factory-farmed meat and eat a lot of antioxidant-rich organic foods. 

Engage in HIIT and sauna sessions to promote detoxification. These steps help keep your body healthy, protect it, and slow down the aging process.

Eating Too Much Sugar

Eating too much sugar

Sugar is a common part of many people’s diets, but consuming too much of it can have serious consequences for your health and accelerate the aging process. 

Here’s how eating too much sugar can make you age faster:


When you eat sugar, it can attach to proteins and fats in your body through a process called glycation. This leads to the formation of harmful molecules known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs). 

AGEs damage collagen and elastin, which are the proteins that keep your skin firm and youthful. As a result, your skin can become wrinkled, saggy, and lose its elasticity.


Excess sugar consumption can lead to chronic inflammation. High blood sugar levels cause the body to produce inflammatory cytokines, which are proteins that trigger inflammation. 

Chronic inflammation can accelerate the aging process and increase the risk of age-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

Oxidative stress

Eating too much sugar can increase oxidative stress in your body. Oxidative stress occurs when there’s an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. 

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, including skin cells. This damage can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and a dull complexion.

Weight gain

Consuming large amounts of sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Being overweight puts extra stress on your body and can cause health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and joint pain that make you age faster.

Insulin resistance

Regularly eating too much sugar can lead to insulin resistance, where your body’s cells become less responsive to insulin. 

This problem can lead to higher blood sugar and, eventually, type 2 diabetes. 

Insulin resistance and diabetes can accelerate the aging process by damaging blood vessels and organs.

Impact on skin health

Sugar can negatively affect your skin in several ways: high sugar intake can lead to breakouts and acne, it can dehydrate your skin, making it look dry and flaky, and excessive sugar consumption can result in a dull, lackluster complexion.

If you want to eat less sugar, start by reading food labels to find hidden sugars and picking foods that have less added sugar.

Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains that have not been processed.

Stay away from drinks with a lot of sugar, like soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks. Instead, drink water, herbal teas, or sparkling water.

Additionally, use honey, maple syrup, and other natural sweeteners sparingly instead of refined sugar. Watch your portion sizes, even when eating fruits that naturally contain sugar.

These changes will protect your skin, lower inflammation, and improve your overall health, all of which can help you age more slowly.

Our Menopause & Nutrition Weight Loss Bundle offers a comprehensive approach to managing weight and nutrition over 50. This bundle combines expert advice on managing menopause symptoms with a nutrition plan tailored to support weight loss and overall health.

Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining bone density, regulating hormones, and reducing inflammation, all of which can help slow the aging process and improve quality of life.

Closing Thoughts

Although aging is a normal and unavoidable part of life, there are things you can do to keep your appearance young and vibrant for longer. 

A healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, enough sleep, and proper skincare can improve your health and longevity.

Remember, it’s never too late to make positive changes. If you live a healthy life and avoid the aging-accelerating substances talked about in this article, you can slow down the aging process and enjoy living a young, energetic, and beautiful life.

If you want to take charge of your aging process and adopt a way of life that makes you live longer and healthier, you might want to work with a certified health coach or talk to a medical professional. 

Even though aging is a natural process, you can still live a full and vibrant life at any age by making conscious choices and putting your health first.

♡ Love ♡,


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About me

Schellea Fowler, the visionary founder of Fabulous50s, brings over three decades of leadership and expertise in small business to her legacy. Not only has she achieved personal success, but she has also become a mentor, generously sharing her extensive experience with emerging entrepreneurs.

After retiring at 50 in 2016, Schellea’s passion for continuous growth led her to pursue further qualifications, becoming a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer specializing in exercise and brain health for older adults. Through Fabulous50s, Schellea continues her mission of inspiring women to embrace and celebrate every phase of life with confidence and vitality.

Her diverse qualifications reflect her commitment to holistic well-being, including a Neuro Athletics Coaching Certificate (NACC) from Neuro Athletics, Meditation Teacher Training from Yoga Coach, Fashion Styling certification from the Australian Style Institute, and Advanced Personal Colour Analysis from AOPI.

In addition to her wellness expertise, Schellea is also a certified business and life coach, equipping her to empower women not only in health and fitness but also in their personal and professional growth.

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